Lovezinho - Surreal Hotel Arts - Rachel Reis MP4 5m:51s

Lovezinho - Rachel Reis
Surreal Hotel Arts

Lovezinho - Rachel Reis - Surreal Hotel Arts


Title: Lovezinho
Entrant Company: Rachel Reis
Production Company: Surreal Hotel Arts
Advertising Agency: Ala Comunicação
Client: Rachel Reis
Director: Lu Villaça
Director of Photography: Milena Seta
Production Designer / Art Director: Debora Pascotto
Executive Producer: Lu Villaça
Executive Creative Director: Ana GB
VFX Company: Atomo VFX
Editing Company: Gabriel Lancman
Sound Company: Janga
Music Company: Zelo Estúdio e Selo
Animation Company: Atomo VFX
Overall budget: USD 12.000
Extra Credits: Ana Turner and Tathi Ariosa (production) Ana Scorse (color correction)
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