Letter To Rosie - Kash Productions, Uppercut, LANDIA - LANDIA JPG
Letter To Rosie - Kash Productions, Uppercut, LANDIA - LANDIA MP4 6m:18s

Letter To Rosie - LANDIA
Kash Productions, Uppercut, LANDIA

Letter To Rosie - LANDIA - Kash Productions, Uppercut, LANDIA


Title: Letter To Rosie
Entrant Company: LANDIA
Production Company: Kash Productions, Uppercut, LANDIA
Advertising Agency: -
Director: Ariel Danziger
Director of Photography: Waleed Sokkar
Production Designer / Art Director: Ariel Danziger
Executive Producer (Production Company): Kashif Hameed, Tariq Kirksay, Juan Taylos
Executive Creative Director: Kashif Hameed
VFX Company: -
Editing Company: Paul La Calandra
Sound Company: -
Music Company: Nick Crane, Matt Sanchez, Lennox Willis
Animation Company: -
Producer (Agency): -
Chief Marketing Officer (Brand): -
Service Production Company: Kash Productions, Uppercut, LANDIA
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