The air belongs to those who dream - Primo - Primo JPEG
The air belongs to those who dream - Primo - Primo MP4 8m:45s

The air belongs to those who dream - Primo

The air belongs to those who dream - Primo - Primo


Title: The air belongs to those who dream
Entrant Company: Primo
Production Company: Primo
Advertising Agency: Liselot
Client: NBA
Director: Amaury Barrera
Director of Photography: Farhad Ghaderi
Production Designer / Art Director: Nicole Sagues
Executive Producer (Production Company): Omar Uscanga, Jaime Vidal, Odille Mondragon
Executive Creative Director: Amaury Barrera
VFX Company: Farfan & Ambriz Efecto Especiales
Editing Company: Diego Marin
Sound Company: Lolo MagaƱa
Music Company: Andres Levin y Sion Trefor
Animation Company: Farfan & Ambriz Efecto Especiales
Producer (Agency): Alexa Pereda, Paula Rojas, Anaval Fernandez
Service Production Company: Primo
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